How well do you know the superheroes in your team?
Each have their dominant superpowers, like the Fiery Red Superhero who on their good days can be:
🔴 Assertive
🔴 Determined
🔴 Purposeful
🔴 Results focussed
🔴 Strong willed
But get on their bad side and you might find them:
🔴 Agressive
🔴 Controlling
🔴 Overbearing
🔴 Intolerant
🔴 Impatient
Fiery Red's will help keep your team focussed on achieving outcomes, so the best way to communicate with the Fiery Red Superheroes is to:
🔴 Be direct and to the point
🔴 Focus on results and objectives
🔴 Be confident and assertive
When we run an Ignite workshop, Robert Cass will run an Insights Discovery Diagnostic and workshop to understand the team dynamic and the dominant superpowers each team member has 🟢 🟡 🔵 🔴
Teams that can understand and leverage each others superpowers are clearly a formidable team!